Secret Entourage is property of ZeroToLegends LLC and will be referenced as “ZTL” in the rest of this agreement. The use of this website/forum is offered to you on your express acceptance/agreement to these terms of use, privacy policy and any other notices and rules posted on the website and forum. By using this website in any way, you indicate your acknowledgement and agreement to our terms of use, our privacy policy and all other notices.
If you do not agree to be bound by and comply with all the following listed, you may not use/access this website. “ZTL” holds all rights at its discretion to modify, remove, or add any rules and regulations it deems necessary to our terms of use without liability or notice to you. It is solely your responsibility to educate yourself by periodically checking our terms of use and/or privacy policy for any changes. All changes to our policy are effective immediately following the posting of the change on the website and/or forums.
The content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied. All opinions expressed on this site are those of the author and may contain errors or omissions. No material here constitutes “investment advice” nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, options, bonds or futures. Actions you undertake as a consequence of any analysis, opinion or advertisement on this site are your sole responsibility.
1. Use of Website/ Accuracy of Information.
This website is strictly for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide specific commercial, financial, investment, legal, tax or accounting advice. It is provided solely for your own personal use and or entertainment and is not to be used commercially without the written consent of “ZTL” and it’s CEO. You may visit the website freely and link to the website at your discretion but must make sure to attribute content to their respective authors. We reserve the right to take down any links linking to “ZTL” at our discretion.
This website and forum does not guarantee the accuracy of any information. Members or guests cannot hold “ZTL” liable for any comments published herein. We do not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness of any information contained on, downloaded or accessed from this website and/or forum. “ZTL” cannot be held liable or responsible for postings or comments made by its administrators or third party users. The discussion forum which exists on the “ZTL” website may contain opinions or comments made by individuals whose identity cannot be verified by “ZTL” and therefore can only be taken as-is as they solely represent the opinions and views of those individuals. The comments/opinions of those individuals are not reviewed or edited by “ZTL” and in no way should such comments or opinions be constructed to be the comments of “ZTL” or any of its officer and/or employees. Although we do not review or approve comments made by our users and/ or members we reserve the right to delete/remove any comments and opinion that we feel is abusive to the forum or its members and administrators.
2. Consequence of Use and Limited liability
Your use of this site is voluntary and under no circumstance will “ZTL” be held liable by consequences related to access, use, or application of posted content. All the information on the website and its forum are provided to you on a “as-is” basis without warranties of any kinds whatsoever including implied warranties or warranties of merchantability. The website and the forum can only be used for lawful purposes; “ZTL” prohibits any use of the website or forum for unlawful purposes or for posting any incomplete, false, misleading information. We are not held liable in any way for what our members post on the website and will review the website periodically to ensure a safe environment for members and guest to use but make no guarantees whatsoever. In addition users agree to not (1) alter or obscure any notices from the website and forum (2) Modify, translate, produce a source listing, decompose or reverse engineer the website or any portion thereof (3) create a different version of any part of the website (4) rent, transfer, distribute any rights to the website in any form (5) use of the website and forum in any way “ZTL” sees inappropriate. “ZTL” reserves the right to delete or modify the website in any way it sees fit without liability/notice to its members. As a visitor to our site, you agree and understand that any reliance and or use of any information on this website shall be entirely at your own risk. In no event shall “ZTL” nor any of its data provider, affiliates, writers, editors, officers, content managers or advertisers be held liable for any direct, indirect or exemplary damages arising from the use or performance of the website and forum. In no event will “ZTL” be held liable to users or party for any incidental, consequential special or indirect damages arising out of the use, availability or unavailability of the service or any other services or goods obtained through use of any other forgoing or any data/message transmitted through the service. Regardless if “ZTL” has been made aware of such possible damages it is not liable to you or anyone else.
3. No warranty Clause
The service is provided as-is and without warranty of any kind and “ZTL” expressly disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of title, merchantability, non infringement, and fitness for a particular purpose. “ZTL” does not promise that the operation of the service you receive will be uninterrupted, error free and without breaches of security.
4. Release and Indemnity by user
You release “ZTL” (and its employees and agents) from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising or connected with such disputes. If you are a Arizona resident, you waive Arizona Civil Code Section 1542, which says: “A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor.” USER WILL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD “ZTL” AND ITS AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES, HARMLESS FOR ANY LOSSES, COSTS, LIABILITIES AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEYS’ FEES) AGAINST “ZTL” ARISING OUTOF (A) ANY USE OF THE SERVICES, THIRD PARTY SITES, OR RELATED GOODS OR SERVICES; (B) ANY BREACH OF THE TERMS; AND (C) ANY UPLOADING, DOWNLOADING, OR REPRODUCTION OF ANY CONTENT OR DATA FROM THE SERVICE OR ANY THIRD PARTY SITE.
5. Third party and Sponsors.
The website may contain links to third parties, vendors, sponsors and businesses that may or may not be affiliates of “ZTL”. “ZTL”‘s link to these websites does not imply endorsement or approval of the services, goods, or materials of such third parties or any association with their sponsors or operators. “ZTL” takes no responsibility or liability for any direct or indirect damages caused by such links and usage of our sponsors. “ZTL” does not conduct extensive research on each sponsor and therefore does not regulate nor endorse their terms of use and their code of ethics around conducting business. ZTL is not in control, nor held liable for the services offered by our sponsors and does not guarantee nor endorse the quality of those third parties.
6. No Affiliation
No partnership, agency, employee-employer, joint venture, franchiser-franchisee relationship in intended or created between any user and “ZTL” by the terms.
7. Waiver and notices
No waiver of any terms shall be considered or deemed a waiver of any terms set forth herein. Any notices regarding this agreement can be sent to info@zerotolegends.com. The terms of use listed constitute an agreement between each user and “ZTL” and supersede all previous communications, understandings and agreements, either oral or written, with respect to the subject matter. This agreement may not be modified without the written consent of the CEO of “ZTL”
8. Mailing List
By subscribing to our mailing list, you acknowledge that ZeroToLegends.com and ZeroToLegends, LLC reserves the right to attain and share information about you with our sponsors and our affiliates. You are also authorizing us to periodically email you newsletters, special offers and updates pertaining to zerotolegends.com and our sponsors and affiliates.
9. Final Disclosures
This website and forum are offered to you by ZeroToLegends LLC, all rights reserved.
ZTL and ZeroToLegends are property of ZeroToLegends LLC & ZTL LLC