Electronic Tax Filing Service Payment Only CURRENT YEAR ONLY


Tax Filing Status *

You must select your filing status

Tax Options

If you have ANY form 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC or 1099-K’s , Rental Properties; there is an additional fee to file or any other states besides Arizona that have State Taxes that need to be filed.

Taxes filed previously with us? *

Did, we file your taxes last year (you must select a response)

Audit Disclaimer *

You agree to the disclaimer that there is no audit protection. Services provided will submit your tax return on your behalf. You understand that all information submitted is your responsibility to maintain records, and provide them if requested. Service provider is not liable for any information submitted nor offers any protection against audits. You understand if you are audited, it is up to you work with the IRS not the service provider. You agree that all information provided is true and honest to the best of your ability. Failure to agree will result in taxes not being submitted electronically on your behalf, and will be forced to mail said return. All funds submitted will not be refunded due to services already provided.

SKU: D0343-1627 Category:


Electronic Tax Filing Service.

  • Maximize credits and deductions — Access more than 300 tax deductions and credits.
  • Track donations to maximize your tax deduction — Track charitable donations and get audit backed values for over 1,300 items.
  • Easily report on investments and rental income — Get the biggest tax breaks from your mortgage interest, investments and charitable donations.
  • Find all business credits and deductions (Schedules C & F) — Maximize your deductions and minimize your taxes.
  • Powerful depreciation tools to maximize deductions — Easily report income, expenses and depreciation.
  • Easily import and record capital gains — Rapidly import your stock data or use Stock Assistant’s quick-entry tools to save time and minimize errors.

You agree to the disclaimer that there is no audit protection. Services provided will submit your tax return on your behalf. You understand that all information submitted is your responsibility to maintain records, and provide them if requested. Service provider is not liable for any information submitted nor offers any protection against audits. You understand if you are audited, it is up to you work with the IRS not the service provider. You agree that all information provided is true and honest to the best of your ability. Failure to agree will result in taxes not being submitted electronically on your behalf, and will be forced to mail said return. All funds submitted will not be refunded due to services already provided.